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I-PRF hair restoration

I-PRF (Injectable Platelet Rich Fibrin) for hair loss/thinning.

Hair shredding, thinning and balding can have a negative impact on self esteem and confidence. The good news is, medical advances with methods such as I-PRF means it is possible to restore hair without the need for surgery. 

I-PRF for hair loss has a high success rate and has been proven to work in multiple clinical trials. Furthermore, I-PRF is widely used in medicine such as Oral and Maxillofacial surgery.

What is I-PRF?

I-PRF is a regenerative treatment where a person’s own blood is used.

A sample of blood is taken from your arm, like a blood test, and is then placed in to a centrifuge machine which is carefully set up to spin and separate the plasma from the red blood cells. Once spun, the plasma is drawn up and either injected or microneedled in to the area of concern. 

The plasma is rich in platelets, white blood cells, fibrin, and stem cells which promote blood circulation, cellular healing, and trigger dormant hair follicles into active growth, all of which counter hair loss.

Additionally, i-PRF plays a role in reducing inflammation which may be contributing to hair loss.

What Is the difference between PRP and PRF?

The primary difference between PRF and PRP is that PRP doesn’t contain stem cells or fibrin. Additionally, PRF contains a higher concentration of growth factors than PRP. The fibrin in PRF contains growth factors and stem cells in the injection site, which allows for the release of more growth factors over a more extended period. 

These benefits make PRF a more advanced and robust treatment for hair loss, allowing for more significant hair regrowth than PRP alone.

Why is PRF considered better?

  • No additives such as anti-coagulation means the preparation process of PRF is more straightforward and less convoluted. It also has the advantage of not using external additives to manipulate the concentration.

  • The higher concentration of platelets (about 3 to 5 times) of PRF makes it a more potent solution.

  • PRP has more stem cells, healing factors, and has a reduced risk of blood cells experiencing trauma or damage.

What are the benefits of PRF Treatment for Hair Loss?

1. Stimulates hair growth: PRF hair treatment encourages the growth of new hair follicles as it triggers the healing process and stimulates cell growth in the treated area.

2. Natural results: PRF treatment for hair is a natural alternative to other hair restoration procedures that can cause a variety of side effects.

3. Minimally invasive: PRF treatment for Hair Loss is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require general anesthesia, scalpels, stitches, or long recovery times.

4. Long-lasting results: Unlike other hair treatments, PRF treatment for hair can provide long-lasting results.

5. Cost-effective: Compared to other hair restoration treatments, PRF hair treatment is relatively affordable.

How many treatments do i need?

A course of 3-6 treatments are required, 4-6 weeks apart. The number of treatments, and results can vary amongst clients.

Following the initial course of treatments, 1-2 treatments a year are recommended to maintain results.  

PRF starts to work immediately, but noticeable results will appear within 2-3 months. This is because the PRF stimulates and supports the body’s natural repair processes, which take time. PRF has been shown to continuously release large amounts of growth factors for up to 28 days after treatment. 

Following a consultation, a bespoke treatment plan will be made.

Procedure time

60 minutes


12 months +


Minimal - no downtime

Side Effects

Redness and mild swelling

After care

Keep the site clean and dry for 24 hours


From £175
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