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Anti-Wrinkle injections are a non-invasive, quick, affordable and effective way to help reduce and prevent wrinkle formation. 

Botulinum toxin is used to prevent the formation of static wrinkles by stopping the signal between the nerve and muscle. The decreased movement in the muscle places less stress on the skin helping you maintain a fresh and youthful appearance. This treatment is most effective when used as a preventative measure.

Common areas for treatment:

  • Frown, forehead and crows feet (Upper third of the face)

  • Bunny lines (lines on nose)

  • Gummy smile (to lower the upper lip, reducing the amount of visible gum)

  • Lip flip (relaxes the upper lip to create a fuller lip)

  • Dimpled chin (To improve the appearance of a dimpled/orange peel chin)

  • Masseter (relaxes the jaw muscle which creates a slimmer lower face/jaw lines)

  • Marionette lines (to improve a down turned smile/jowls) 

  • Platysma bands (to relax the neck bands which in turn slims the jaw line)

  • Under arms (reduces excessive sweating) 

All patients require a face-to-face consultation prior to anti-wrinkle treatment as it is a prescription only medication (POM).

Procedure time

15-30 minutes


3-4 Months


No downtime

Side Effects

Minor swelling/bruising

After care

2 week review advised


£160 - £240
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